


The Faculty of Law (FOL), Multimedia University will hold the 4th International Conference on Law and Digitalization 2024 (ICLD24) on 23-25 July 2024 (Virtual Conference). ICLD24 will be part of the bigger Digital Future Congress (DIFCON 2024) comprising of various other conferences of multidisciplinary academic interests. The aim of ICLD24 is to provide a platform for both local and international academics, practitioners, policymakers, researchers and students to meet, share ideas and knowledge in law and digitalization through paper presentation. It also aims to encourage academic linkages between the academicians and the researchers from the legal fraternity. It also promotes future co-operations among the intellectuals from various fields and disciplines.


    All accepted papers will be published in SCOPUS/MyCite/MyJurnal indexed journals (subject to meeting individual journals requirement).


  • Law and Education

  • Law and Employment

  • Law and Social Security

  • Legal Aspects of the Digital Economy

  • Fintech Law

  • Family Law

  • Medical Law

  • Intellectual Property

  • Legal Regulation of Data Circulation

  • Shariah and Contemporary Issues

  • Preservation of Digital User Data in a Digital Environment

  • Ensuring Human Rights in the Digital World Including Identification (Correlation of a Person with His Digital Image)

  • Creating New Legal Institutions Aimed at the Formation of an Environment of Trust etc.

  • Digitalisation and Competition Law

  • Digitalisation and Corporate Law

  • Digitalisation and Law of Evidence

  • Digitalisation and the Legal Profession

  • Digitalisation and Civil Law Procedure

  • Digitalisation and Criminal Law Procedure

ICLD Program Book


Prof. Dr. Ida Madieha bt. Abdul Ghani Azmi

Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia

Ida Madieha bt. Abdul Ghani Azmi obtained her LLB from IIUM, LLM from University of Cambridge and Ph.D from University of London (1995). Dr. Ida has authored 10 books and more than 60 articles on various issues on Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw and presented more than 70 papers in local and international conference. She is currently a Professor at the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws. Dr. Ida has had the experience of researching on many areas of IP, cyberlaw and biotechnology law. Among the national grants are: Deciphering the Wikileaks Saga: Exploring the Legal, Policy and Information Security Role and Challenges in Protecting and Securing Malaysia's Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) Against Data Leak (ERGS 2011-2013); Legal Framework for the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Balancing Human Rights, Conservation and Proprietary Interest (FRGS 2012-2015); Kajian dan Semakan Kursus Undang-undang, (MOHE, Oct 2005- Jan 2006) and Copyright and Access to Knowledge (Consumer International, September 2007-January 2008); A Review of the Patents Act with Special Emphasis on Transfer of Green Technologies Provisions (JPUUM, November (2012); Kajian Halatuju Pendidikan Undang-undang, Ministry of Higher Education (2013). Status of Left Over Embryos in Malaysia: An Ethico-Legal Enquiry, (RAGS (2013-2015); A study of Legal Issues Related to Blog Businesses in Malaysia: A Proposal for a Regulatory Framework in Malaysia, RAGS, (2013-2015); Security Offences Law Vis A Vis Right to Privacy in Malaysia: Guidelines for Reconciliation and Enforcement (FRGS 2013-2015); Legal and Administrative Requirement in Shariah Compliant Hospitality Services (NRGS 2013-2015), Establishing Legal and Economic Framework to Protect Malaysian Copyright Based Industries From the Possible Negative "Effects" of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (FRGS 2015), Establishing An Effective Legal Framework for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions in Malaysia Post TPP and AEC Era (FRGS 2016) and Legal Framework To Regulate Nutraceuticals, Herbal Medicines and health Supplements in Malaysia (FRGS 2016). The international research projects include: The Economic Impact of Intellectual Property System (WIPO-JPO-UNU Research Project, December 2006- June 2007); Patents, Stem Cells and Ethics (Association of Commonwealth University, September 2006-March 2007) and Drafting of IP Curriculum and Syllabus in Bangladesh, WIPO (2014). Dr Ida has had a short stint as a member of the Board of the Malaysian Intellectual Property Office (MyIPO) (2004-2008). She is also the former Deputy Director of the Malaysian Copyright Tribunal (2014-2016). In terms of training programs, Dr Ida has conducted training programs organized by the Intellectual Property Training Centre and ILKAB and the resource person for the WTO Regional Trade Policy Program for Asia Pacific (2008-2011). She has also act as a resource person to WIPO/WTO IP Colloquium for IP Teachers and Researchers in Asia (2017) and consultant to WIPO in a number of mission. At the international level, Dr. Ida is the executive committee member of the Association of Teachers and Researchers on Intellectual Property (ATRIP).


Mr Joseph S

Director of Studies for the Online LLM in International Business Law

I am currently the Director of Studies for the Online LLM in International Business Law. In this role, I provide academic leadership and collaborate with Kaplan Open Learning colleagues to design and deliver modules for the program. My research interests straddle the intersection of regulation, technology and the law, with particular focus on privacy and data protection and related public policy challenges. I am also actively involved with Industry and Public Sector:
Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Working Group on Ethical Alignment Design: provide expert advice on regulatory and data protection matters.
Expert Panel Member of IEEE Working Group on Standards for Protection of Children’s Personal Data: provide expert advice on online child safety and technical challenges.
Expert Panel Member for Information Commissioner Office/LSE Project on Children’s Personal Data and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016: ongoing advice on measures.
Member of the NHS AI Hub and Working Group on Patient Data.
The Module LAW 341: Privacy Surveillance and Social Media.
The Module LAW 342: The Regulation of Emerging Technologies: Law, Ethics and Governance.

Prof. Andrej Savin

Director Of Cbs Law

Andrej Savin's main research interests lie in internet regulation, IT Law, law & management and law & strategy. In particular, he looks at how the EU formulates IT policy and how EU regulation influences business models and company strategies. His research projects include a DFF-funded project on smart homes and data and a EU-funded FP7 project on the privacy of user-generated networks as well as a number of EU SMART projects on digital economy. Andrej Savin also works on law and management in the legal environment, in particular with focus on the interplay between law, ethics, business and society in the digital world.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheong May Fong

Associate Professor
School of Private and Commercial Law, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW Sydney

Dr Cheong is an Associate Professor in the School of Private and Commercial Law, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW Sydney. Her main research areas are contract law, commercial law, consumer law, unfair contracts, remedies, restitution/unjust enrichment, and comparative Asian law. Her other research interest is competition law particularly on the legal and regulatory frameworks of competition law regimes in ASEAN member states. Dr Cheong’s current research interest includes smart contracts and artificial intelligence, and she is currently co-supervising a PhD candidate on smart contracts. She has taught a wide range of subjects including principles of private law, contracts, consumer protection, economic torts, and unfair contracts. Dr Cheong is also an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Law, Multimedia University Malaysia and was formerly Deputy Head of School, Thomas More Law School, Australian Catholic University. She was also formerly a Professor and Dean at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, and had previously practiced as a commercial litigation lawyer at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia after being admitted as an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya. Dr Cheong is author of Australian Contract Law: Principles and Cases (Lawbook Co, 2020) and Contract Law in Malaysia (Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2010). She is co-author with Yin Harn Lee, of Civil Remedies (Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2nd ed, 2016) and with Rafiah Salim, of Evidence Law in Malaysia and Singapore: Cases and Commentary (Lexis Nexis Malaysia, 2013). She has contributed to chapters in the Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia series published by Oxford University Press, and to chapters on competition law in The Regionalisation of Competition Law and Policy within the ASEAN Economic Community (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and in the Research Handbook on Asian Competition Law (Edward Elgar, 2020). Her articles on contract and consumer law have been published in the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, Journal of Contract Law, and Competition and Consumer Law Journal. She has also published on gender issues in the Journal of Law and Society, and Feminist Legal Studies.

Pn. Mediha Mahmood

Chief Executive Officer
CEO of the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF)

Mediha Mahmood is a legal and regulatory professional with cumulative 20 years of post-qualified experience in top legal firms and public listed companies, including as Legal Counsel in the General Counsel's Office at PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia, Head of the Content and Advisory Unit at Astro's Regulatory, IP Protection and Industry Affairs department, and Head of Legal at AirAsia Digital. Adept at navigating regulatory landscapes, shaping policies and managing strategic collaborations, she has established a solid reputation as an efficient tactical communicator. Mediha is currently the CEO of the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF), having joined the organization as the Executive Director in February 2021. Since taking up the leadership role at CMCF, she has spearheaded its complete rebranding and led the revamp of the Content Code, with nationwide involvement of industry players, policy-makers, and members of the public. She recently led efforts with international Online Curated Content (OCC) service providers in publishing 'The OCC Guidelines', designed as a supportive tool for all OCC service providers in Malaysia. Mediha holds an LL.B (Hons) degree in Law from the International Islamic University of Malaysia and initially chartered her career path as a legal practitioner; at the firm of Messrs. Shearn Delamore & Co. in the Corporate & Commercial Department. She subsequently continued practicing law at Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners, in the Litigation and Disputes Resolution Department where she gained additional experience in arbitration and mediation. While being a member of the Malaysian Bar Council, Mediha actively volunteered at the Legal Aid Centre in Kuala Lumpur, providing legal services to the underprivileged and unrepresented detainees in prison. Mediha was a recipient of the 2023 MIA Impact Circle Stellar CxO Award, and is a seasoned public speaker and certified trainer, adept at tailoring her communication style to diverse global audiences, including industry practitioners and the general public. Additionally, she serves as an independent consultant on industry matters, specializing in Malaysia's regulatory standards, content laws, and regulations.




Chair: Asst. Prof. Dr Yang Chik Adam
Co-Chair: Mr. Justin Johari Bin Azman
Secretary Chair: Ms. Nur Najiha Binti Jamil
Technical Programme Chair: Mr. Muhammad Asyraf Fitri Bin Mohd Afindi
Technical Programme Co-Chair: Ms. Scarlett Yong Mei Chern
Keynote and Session Chair: Dr Eliya Hamizah binti Halim
Publicity Chair: Ms. Shahrina Anis Binti Samsudin
Financial & Registration Chair: Ms. Erica Kong Xin Wei


Prof. Dr. Abdul Mohaimin Bin Noordin Ayus (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Kartina A Choong (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Associate Professor Dr. Khong Wye Keen (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Associate Professor Dr. Manique Apsara Ephranella Cooray (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. CJ Gletus Matthew A/L CN Jacob (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Eliya Hamizah binti Halim (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Olivia Tan Swee Leng (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hasbollah Bin Mat Saad (UCSI University, Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Associate Professor Dr. Sheela a/p Jayabala Krishnan (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Dr. Muhammad Umar Bin Abdul Razak (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Dr. Che Audah Bt Hassan (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Dr. Nadzriah Binti Ahmad (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Dr. Ikmal Hisham Bin Md. Tah (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda (International Islamic Univerrsity Malaysia)
Dr. Hafidz Hakimi bin Haron (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
Mr. Joseph Savirimuthu LL.B, LL.M. (Senior Lecturer in Law, Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool)
Mr. Justin Johari Bin Azman (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Mr. Tay Eng Siang (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Hawa Binti Rahmat (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Sareen Kaur Bhar (Multimedia University, Malaysia)