

Theme: Nurturing Intelligence for Inclusive and Sustainable Societal Advancement

The 5th International Conference on Communication, Language, Education and Social Sciences (CLESS 2024) will be held on 22-25 July 2024. This year’s conference will be a part of the bigger Digital Future Congress (DIFCON) comprising of various other conferences in different fields and will be held online. CLESS 2024 is unique in which it combines communication, language, education, and social science in an international academic conference. The aim of CLESS 2024 is to offer a platform for both local and international academics, educators, researchers and other professionals to meet, share and discuss latest research, trends, ideas and innovation in the field of communication, language, education, psychology and social sciences. The conference is aimed to provide a platform for young researchers as well as to support and encourage other researchers to present their research, to network within the international community of researchers and to share and seek the insight and advice of successful senior researchers all over the world during the conference.

CLESS Program Book


  • Communication

  • Language

  • Education

  • Psychology

  • Culture

  • Society


    All accepted papers will be published in indexed journals (subject to meeting individual journals requirement). Following are the participating journals:

  • Journal of Communication, Language and Culture (MMU Press, MyJURNAL)

  • Asian journal of Applied Communication (MyJURNAL)

  • International Journal of Business and Technology Management (MYCITE)

  • International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society (MYCITE)

  • Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences (MYCITE)

  • International Journal of Business and Society (Scopus Q3)

  • Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research (Scopus Q2)

  • Cogent Social Science (Scopus Q2)

  • SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research (Scopus Q1)

  • GEMA Online ® Journal of Language Studies (Scopus Q1)

  • Journal Publication Guidelines for Authors:

  • Only accepted empirical papers (after the review process) aligning with the scope of the targeted journals will be recommended for publication. The decision made during this process is final.

  • Manuscripts must be prepared and formatted according to the recommended journal’s manuscript guidelines and submitted via their respective online manuscript management portal.

  • Selected papers must adhere to the publication standards and guidelines of the recommended journals.

  • Authors should be prepared to cover any additional article publication charges. Publication fees for accepted papers by the journals are subject to change and will be charged at the rates applicable at the time of submission.

  • The publication schedule and timeline will also be determined by the respective journals.



Dr Dayang Aizza Maisha Binti Abang Ahmad

Faculty of Education, Language and Communication Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Dr Endah Triastuti

Department of Communication Sciences, University of Indonesia



Chair: Dr. Kavitha Balakrishnan (Multimedia University)
Co-chair: Dr. Hawa Rahmat (Multimedia University)
Secretary: Ms. Elaine Ang Hwee Chin (Multimedia University)
Publication Chair: Dr. Chan Tak Jie (Multimedia University)
Publication Co-Chair: Dr. Nurafiq Inani Bt Man (Multimedia University)


Dr. Sareen Kaur Bhar (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Yong Chyn Chye (Multimedia University, Malaysia)
Dr. Noratikah Mohamad Ashari (University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
Ms. Stanislava Sorgerova (Pan European University, Slovakia)
Dr. Radhika Khanna (Pondicherry University, India)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Satnam Singh, Amity University, India
Prof. Dr. Sumit Narula, Amity University, India
Prof. Dr. Amit Chawla, Amity University, India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rusha Mudgal, Amity University, India