Multimedia University Engineering Conference
The Multimedia University Engineering Conference 2022 (MECON 2022) aims to bring together related research scholars, educators, practitioners, policy makers, enthusiasts, fellow students, and industries to share and exchange their research experiences and results on all aspects of engineering technologies from various perspectives, disciplines, and fields. It also offers an interdisciplinary platform for all stakeholders to present and discuss the most latest trends, innovations, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the realm of engineering technologies. This conference is being co-organised by the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) and Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FET), Multimedia University. MECON 2022 carries the theme `Sustainable Engineering for a Sustainable Future’.
Advances in Engineering Research
[ISSN (Online): 23525401]
Robotics and Automation
Robot design, development and control, Network robotics, Human augmentation and shared control, Space and underwater robots, Vehicle control applications, Industrial networks and automation, Natural language dialogue with robots, Computer and microprocessor-based control, Instrumentation networks and software, Human-robots interfaces, Mobile robots and autonomous systems, Intelligent transportation technologies and systems, Telerobotics and Teleoperation, Intelligent warehouses, Vision, recognition and reconstruction, Web-based control & Autonomous agents, Reasoning about action for intelligent robots, etc.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Advanced Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, Alternative Fuels, Design and innovation, Energy Harvesting, Green Manufacturing, Heat and Mass Transfer, Machinery and Machine Design, Modeling Analysis, and Simulation, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, 4D printing, Next Generation of manufacturing, Smart System and Technology, Functionally Graded Materials, Shape Memory Alloys, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Tribology, System Dynamics and Control, etc.
Nano and Micro Electronics
Advanced Materials, Micro and Nano- Fabrication and Processing, Micro and Nano- Fabrication Process Modeling and Simulation, Devices Design, Fabrication and Characterization Device Modeling and Simulation Integration, Circuits and Systems, etc.
Wired and Wireless Telecommunications
Telecommunication, Wireless Communication and Technologies, Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Networks, Satellite Communication, Communications Circuits and Systems, Smart Antennas, Green Wireless, etc.
Electrical Engineering and Green Energy
Analog and Digital Electronics, Electric Drives and Control, Electrical Machines Instrumentation Engineering, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power System Engineering, Renewable Power and Green Technology, Signals and Systems, Smart Grids Technologies & Applications, etc.
Photonics and Optics
Optical Communications and Networking, Optoelectronics, Optical fiber, Organic Photonics, Nanophotonics, Waveguide Optics, etc.
Industry 4.0
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Internet of Things (IoT) and Computer Networks, Big Data and Cloud Computing, Sensors, 3D Printing, Augmented Reality, Predictive Maintenance, Machine Intelligence, Smart Cities & Smart Manufacturing, etc.
International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
MMU Press Journal of International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences (IJORAS)
MMU Press Journal of Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics (JETAP)
* Selected papers will be recommended for publication in the listed journals and subjected to the respective journal requirements.
Professor Tek Tjing Lie is Acting Head of School at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences. He received his BS degree from Oklahoma State University, MS and PhD degrees from Michigan State University. He has previously held academic positions in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Nanyang Technological University. His research interests are in the fields of Power System Operation and Control, Deregulated Electrical Power Markets, Renewable Energy and Smart Grids.
Mohamad Hanif Md Saad is currently an Associate Professor & Researcher at the Smart Engineering System Research Group, Fac. of Eng. & Built Env., Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His passion is in Research, Dev. & Commercialization of Smart Engineering Systems.
Lecture : Instrumentation & Measurement, Automatic Control Systems, Robotics, Computer Programming, Mechatronics(UPNM), Control Systems(UKM,UPNM,UPM), and others
Research: Intelligent Engineering System, Complex Event Processing, Driving Simulators for Behaviour Analysis, Robotics, Intelligent Surveillance System, SCADA & Telemetry System,
Consultation & Commercialization: Dev. & Implemented several Intelligent Sys. for Aeronautics, Military, Automation, Agriculture, Engineering & Scientific Applications.
Clients : An-Nabooda Chulia (UAE / Dubai) LLC, Chulia Facillities Management Sdn Bhd, Honeywell Aerospace (M) Sdn Bhd, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, SIRIM, the Natl. Science & Tech. Research Inst. For Defense (STRIDE), KidZania (KL) & Bangkok (Thailand), Natl. Hydrology Research Inst. (NAHRIM), Sensetech Sdn Bhd, Perbadanan Putrajaya Malaysia, Ministry of Youth & Sports Malaysia, Ministry of Agriculture, Dept. of Irrigation & Drainage, Perunding Amar Bina, Malaysian Inst. For Road Safety Research (MIROS), and others.
Invited Talks & Seminars Conducted: Technopreneurship & Commercialization (KBS), Systems Dev. & Integration for Managers (STRIDE), Systems Dev. (ANM, NAHRIM) and others.
Keynote speeches: IR4.0 and Sustainable Engineering
Chair: Mohamad Yusoff Alias
Co-chair: Rosli Besar
Executive Secretary: Siva Priya A/P Thiagarajah
Technical Program Committee Chair: You Ah Heng
Technical Program Committee Co-Chair: Foo Yee Loo
Track Chair: Em Poh Ping / Choo Kan Yeep / Foo Yee Loo / Cheang Pei Ling / Tan Ai Hui / Palanisamy Chockalingam/ Teo Lay Lian / You Ah Heng
Tutorial Chair: Teh Chin Hui
Keynote Speakers: Nur Asyiqin / Nur Hasanah
Industry Forum Chair: Jee Kian Siong
Sponsorship Chair: Sun Cha Chee
Website. Design and Publicity: Chung Gwo Chin
Programme Chair: Yap Yee Ling
Financial Chair: Hernie Marlynna Binti Mursaid
Assoc. Prof. Dr. You Ah Heng (Multimedia University)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Ai Hui (Multimedia University)
Dr. Em Poh Peng (Multimedia University)
Dr. Choo Kan Yeep (Multimedia University)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar (Telkom University)
Dr. Yaseein Soubhi Hussein (Military College, Qatar)
Ahmed Bin Mohammed (Military College, Qatar)
Dr. Ayad Atiyah ABDULKAFI (Tikrit University, Iraq)
Prof. Dr. Parameshachari B D (Karnataka, India)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayman A. El-Saleh (A'Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Sultanate of Oman)
Prof. Ajay Kumar Singh (NIIT University, India)
Dr. Foo Yee Loo (Multimedia University)
Dr. Teo Lay Lian (Multimedia University)
Dr. Palanisamy Chockalingam (Multimedia University)